> yue / yukki <
> she/ her <
> 2 nov <
> scorpio sun, libra moon, pisces rising <
> animation student <
> enfp-a <
> eng/ chn/ jpn OK! <
> singaporean-chinese <
a completely shikirikkasexual sq oshi in every sense of the word.
i also really like obey me, and i have an account for asmoloving here
other than that however, im just a fashion enthusiast with an affinity for art and cute romances hehe.

main interests
> esser, percival, juliet, romeo, quatre, catherine, shiva, europa
> idk i just love esserchan and pink hair
vocaloid, Ps and utaites
> rin & len, mikuluka, IA
> neruP, hitoshizukuP, wowaka
> reol, luz, soraru
stage actors
> higano sho, abe kaisei, nakao kenya, kominami koji, aramaki yoshihiko
> i love the entire SQS cast to death
tsukino production
> shikirikka, shuei, daitsuba, soumori
> SQ, zix, rock down, soara, uta seniors
> rikka, shiki, eichi, tsubasa, makoto, ai
love live
> ruby, hanamaru, rin, maki, hanayo,
umi, nozomi, kotori
> nozoeli, diamari, kotoumi, diakana
> i'm extreme jocaesar + gyjo trash
> caesar, joseph, jotaro, jolyne, rohan, gyro
> eternally salty about stone ocean and battle tendency
> ayahina
> pasupare, harohapi
> eve, aya, hina, kokoro, ako, sayo
> the ultra mega fave: kimuryo
> other faves: hanakana, nacchan, kamiyan, soma, egutaku, mamochan
other general interests
> fashion and the different trends along the years + the various subcultures = ♡
> mbti and cognitive functions are fun!
are you by any chance interested in fashion too?
perhaps my style diary on instagram will be of interest to you, hehe!
(i take inspiration from harajuku street fashion and korean fashion trends!)
side interests
> oumami, amasai, kaemaki
> amami, kaede, hajime, izuru
> ndrv3 gave me depression
> i'm extreme jocaesar trash
> joseph, caesar, jotaro, jolyne, rohan
> eternally salty about stone ocean and battle tendency
> summer troupe trash!
> misuten and taiyuki are supercute
detective conan
> kaishin, heishin, anything with shinichi hehe
> shinichi, kaito, shiho, heiji
> im a pretty casual kpop stan! i go to fancafes sometimes.
> dreamcatcher, iz*one, blackpink
> sakura, siyeon, annyeongz
> hilda, sylvain and dorothea are my holy trinity. but i also love claude
> golden deer is fav house
before you follow
+ please do not repost my art or use it anywhere without my permission.
if you really want to use it, you can always ask me via dms, i dont mind at all!
+ please do not follow if you hate shikirikka, daitsuba or ritsuizu.
i'm a very hardcore shipper.
honestly speaking, if you truly hate shikirikka, please block me
+ i only tag for nsfw at the moment! mutuals can lmk if they need any others.

+ don't follow if you fit basic dfi criteria
+ just a note, but i tend to be rather crass and swear a lot.
+ i don't police anyone on what they ship, but i have my own preferences.
+ im a minor but okay with 18+ follows
+ @ my mutuals: please don't mute or unfollow me; just softblock me
+ i might softblock you if i'm uncomfortable with you following me
welcome to my secret page
here's your reward!
(it's not a malicious link i promise)